Sunday, August 7, 2011

Chrome takes no. 2 spot in UK displacing FireFox!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Google's Chrome became the number two browser in the UK during the month of July for the first time, according to StatCounter, the free website analytics company. The firm's research arm StatCounter Global Stats reports that Chrome took 22.1% of the UK market, up from 3.9% in July 2009. In the same period Microsoft's Internet Explorer fell significantly from 61% to 46% globally and Firefox dropped slightly from 27% to 22%.

This weekand grab EA's 80% offer on ipad/iphone gmaes

As part of its Back to school campaign, EA is running one of those weekend only promotions, offering many of its popular iOS games

Enable Honeycomb better Pane Gmail view

The latest post over at the official Gmail blog brings us some heart-warming and exciting news around a new Gmail Labs feature called Preview Pane.
  1. It means Gmail Labs are still going strong and
  2. If you own a Honeycomb tablet, you may already be familiar with the preview pane interface that Gmail for Honeycomb uses. There are 3 panes in total - folder listmessage list, and a convenient preview pane, and as of today, you can view all 3 right in your regular
The new UI is likel