Sunday, March 27, 2011

Samsung Galaxy Player 70 captures vision of Android-ruled world in new promo video

It's getting a bit tough to tell Samsung's various Galaxy Players and their changing names apart these days, but the company has found a fairly unique way to drum up attention for its new Galaxy Player 70 model, which looks to be nearly identical to the Galaxy Player 5 being released over here. Mixed into an otherwise bright and cheery new ad are images of what we can only presume is an alternate reality where the Android robot is real, and in charge. Head on past the break to see for yourself.



  1. im a samsung fan and also an apple fan and to be honest i love apple alot more and i think the world does 2 . that being said i think its wrong for anybody to say that apple stinks and samsung kills apple because u can't give samsung full credit when yes they are creating the product and the design but they don't create the os. so i think thats were apple is extreamely strong. thats what makes apple the best company that creates the hardware and creates and controls the software. its their os its there design and they get and own a 100% credit for. anybody ells after apple only looks up to them and wishes they too can come one day close to them. if it wasnt for apple creating and changing the cellphone industry what we consider smart phone and web app capable media consumption device we would have still been on windows ,blackbeary,nokia, sony etc.. with ugly slow crappy os.look @ them were are they now ,just like samsung was not able to create a decent operating system they to werent able as well.if it wasnt for google that love all of these companies including samsung would probably not be in good business revenue. lets face it people it doesnt matter if u love apple , hate them or your in the middle the facts are that apple is the biggest leader in edge technology world and are kings in marketing lol. they are the ones to revolutionize products and other companies just emulate and follow them.what a lil funny is that samsung c

  2. you do know that apple only designs the product and the OS? everything else is made by other different companies. Funnily enough every ipod touch model (from 1st-4th) and iPad 1 and 2, all their processors are made by Samsung (iPod touch 4th Gen features Samsung S5L8930). Dont get me wrong, i love apple products but unlike what you said "apple the best company that creates the hardware", think again.
    And also, just to inform people, the Retina Display of the iPhone 4 is designed and made by LG.
