Monday, March 21, 2011

T-Mobile answers its customers' most Frequently Asked Question: no iPhone

Never mind the practicalities of T-Mobile and AT&T using different 3G bands, Apple not having approved any deal for extended distribution of its phone, or the fact AT&T's acquisition of T-Mobile isn't set to complete for another year. The immediate reaction to AT&T agreeing to buy T-Mobile USA was to ask, "so that means the iPhone's coming to T-Mo, right?" Well, wrong. T-Mobile has delivered an FAQ on its site informing customers about the forthcoming transition, including the unequivocal notice regarding the iPhone:
"T-Mobile USA remains an independent company. The acquisition is expected to be completed in approximately 12 months. We do not offer the iPhone. We offer cutting edge devices like the Samsung Galaxy S 4G and coming soon our new Sidekick 4G."
So that settles that (for a year, anyway). In other news, service and billing won't be changing, and there's a promise that T-Mobile devices will continue to operate as they do now even after the acquisition is complete. Ominously, however, the company fails to answer its own question about pricing changes, stating only that it'll honor "all contracted plans that are entered into before the change of ownership."


  1. All T-Mobile will go away. AT&T has the Iphone and it will be offered when your ocntract with T-mobile (AT&T) ends. All models on the T-Mobile side belong to the Dutch and not AT&T. You are stuck with AT&T phones with increased prices. Good luck to you.

  2. worrying about iphones is dum worry about your bills guy chances are if you were with tmobile you were not trying to spend alot or under contract still .i just wondering what shit head move att is going to pull given the only choice now is sprint this is poor to say the least .
