Monday, July 11, 2011

How microsoft using patents to earn money

With exponential growth, Android announce coming of the search giant  Google on the equally exponentially growing smartphone market .Android not only fares well in the market but also leave behind mobile majors RIM’s Blackberry and of course , leader of all Apple’s very own ios  is no exception  here.
Android has seen phenomenal growth over the months from nowhere to everywhere ,riding high over  millions of smartphones have been sold so far thus farely captures 38% of smartphone market .

                Though software industry giant Microsoft also joins the bandwagon with its impressive offring Windows Phone 7  but seems to earning  more from Android rather than its own.Microsoft has noew started demanding mobile makers  who bundled their phone with Android for its patent infringment .Over the decade it receives over 1800 patents and in the last four month number reaches to 700 while only manages to get some 700 patents .So Microsoft works of collecting patents seems to paying off now .

Riding high on patents , Microsoft is targeting and taking aggressive legal actions against companies that are manufacturing and selling smartphone that run Android OS, because Microsoft holds certain patents that are practically used in the code.Few days earliar Microsoft struck deal with samsung for $15 per device for the same ,it also dealt with HTC with $5 per device in the past ,it also sued Motorola fo an undisclosed amount .


Getting on the devices sold ,HTC sold 30million phones which generated some $150 million and with resounding success of  Samsung’s Galxay S11 and Motorola ,Microsoft amounts to get around $1 billion per year from  them.

It seems to be getting some serious bussiness profits for Microsoft from which it do not receiving from Its very own WINDOWS PHONE 7

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