Tuesday, February 22, 2011

HP TouchPad on sale in April?

The official TouchPad launch date isn't even a date per se, but a season: summer. So we're surprised to see DigiTimes reporting that HP will take delivery of shipments in March with the TouchPad going on sale in April with plans to ship 4 - 5 million units from the TouchPad "series" in 2011. Based on what we know, both from using the software-incomplete pre-production tablet and from our detailed discussions with Jon Rubinstein, an April retail date would be extremely aggressive to say the least. And DigiTimes' accuracy with regard to rumors for companies located outside of its home country of Taiwan is spotty at best. Nevertheless, HP's new CEO Leo Apotheker did say originally, that products announced at the February 9th event would be on sale just a few weeks later. Unfortunately, only the wee Veer handset got an early spring promise with the Pre 3 joining the TouchPad for a summer launch. Perhaps this will be a case of HP under promising and over delivering? We can't say for sure. But with any luck, HP could bring some clarity to the matter on March 14th -- a day Apotheker had promised a big reveal regarding a "secret answer" and "vision of what HP is capable of in the future... the starting point." Why so mysterious, Leo?


  1. It is a nice line of busines for HP. I do feel that is a litlle oudated. Apple is releasing the iPad 2 and already making plans for the iPad3 and HP come with some kind of software secret... hum...

  2. when will on sale in indonesia??

  3. just a silly question: how mush apps does webOs have?, because I really like this tablet :P

  4. WebOS has around 5500 apps. But as far as I know general quality on the apps is much better than on Android or iOS. (no thousands of iFarts ;)

  5. It doesn't matter what kind of bells and whistles these tabletts come out with. If they don't come with a massive App store it won't pan out. So... let's see if HP marketing are up to the task.

  6. A promise is a promise : or is it made to be broken -- lets see .

  7. If you don't care that much about Apps - this is for you! I'm excited to try WebOS 3 or any version of WebOS that isn't slow.

    I just don't why I would rather have this than a Xoom or Ipad 2... Hint: The OS being 10% cooler to use isn't a good enough reason.

  8. Lets hope that HP can pull this one out of the bag with an early surprise.

  9. So, who's getting one?

  10. I would rather ask my company to get a RIM Playbook. If it ever comes out.

    Probably give it to my daughter.
