Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Dell Streak gets Honeycomb SDK port, starting to look like a real tablet

Dell always told us the Streak was a tablet and not a phone, so it makes perfect sense to see Android's latest version, the tablet-friendly Honeycomb, ported over to its 5-inch slate. As usual with these builds, we're still at a very early stage, with the chap responsible for the hack noting that "no way is this close to release," but it's still rather exciting to see that brand new interface freshening up familiar pieces of kit. And hey, it's not like Dell itself is going to be delivering Android 3.0 anytime soon either, right? Click the source link to keep yourself updated on how this community port progresses.


  1. Wait, then how come u can make phone calls on it?

  2. TBH, I say I'm missing anything from Streak with 2.2?

  3. wow...glad that i am going to be the Streak owner soon..i ordered it 2 days back...

  4. I always loved the Streak. But Dell scares me.

  5. DJ_Steve is the man. His current ROMs for the Dell Streak (1.6.0, 1.6.1 and 1.7.0) makes it easily the nicest handheld on the market. I not only bought the device but i donated to his current efforts. They are extremely fast as well.

  6. From the title alone I knew it had to be DJ_Steve's work. He's the only one to get anything outside of stock 1.6 up and running on these things.

    Too bad Dell installed the screens on these things upside down.

  7. er, 2.2 has been around for a while - the streak I saw the other day in an O2 shop in UK was on 2.2.

    that said, DJ_Steve is doing awesome work. the only thing I worry about with the Streak community is it has a very low bus factor.

  8. That should make some sad souls who invested money in Dell happy. Saw it few days back and it is an awful product.
    Looking at LG's Optimus 2X reviews has brought down any excitement I had for the LG Slate.

  9. Its sad when I read stories like this that corporate companys can't get updates out but hackers can.

    I think and seen companys wait for hackers to make it happen then do it as they see how they did it. Sad very sad

  10. Honeycomb and it's source haven't been released yet. So none of this native. All the hackers are doing is extracting the contents from the emulator provided in the SDK preview. It's all just proof-of-concept at the moment.

  11. A 5-inch screen is too small to take advantage of 3.0. It would be like using Windows 7 on a 5-inch screen.

  12. Windows 7 isn't a tablet OS? Would you use iOS/Honeycomb on a 24" 16.9 screen?

    What are you actually insinuating...

  13. that the screen is too small for 3.0. The way 3.0 is layed out resembles Windows or any desktop OS and a 5-inch screen isn't going to be a good experience.

  14. Honeycomb looks fantastic.
    Go x86 project!
    I wanna see it on my Duo convertible!

  15. Talk about hitting a luck streak.
